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Customer magazine universal spotlight - spring edition 2024
Katja Müller

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

In the spring edition of our spotlight newsletter, we are delighted to once again present fascinating topics and new market developments to you, which we hope will offer added value to your daily work.

The alternative investment market remains buoyant, with changes in legislation providing additional momentum. While Luxembourg has traditionally been practically the preferred location to launch alternative vehicles, the German open-ended infrastructure AIF for retail investors (OIS) is increasingly presenting a viable option.

Uncertainty will continue to accompany the investment markets in 2024. This often results in portfolio restructuring. In this newsletter, we will explore how professional transition management can help to keep risks under control during the transition phase.

For the past two years, we have also been supporting fund launches in Ireland through our Irish subsidiary. Along with our offices in Germany and Luxembourg, we are present at the main European “fund hubs”. We are happy to share our insights with you and highlight the unique characteristics of each domicile.

Last but not least, our tax experts have compiled the most important updates for you. For example, due to the German Future Financing Act (ZuFinG), the management of all investment funds under the German Capital Investment Code (KAGB) is VAT exempt as of January 1, 2024.

We hope you will find this edition both informative and enjoyable.

With kind regards,

Katja Müller

Chief Customer Officer



Three fund domiciles under one roof

Represented at the main European fund locations: The Irish platform complements the offering alongside Germany and Luxembourg.

Represented at the main European fund locations: The Irish platform complements the offering alongside Germany and Luxembourg.

For some time now, Universal Investment has been offering the option of launching funds in Ireland – in addition to Germany and Luxembourg. What does this mean for fund initiators who can now choose between the three main European fund hubs? How has the new domicile with the ISIN code “IE” been received? And what advantages can Universal Investment offer to fund initiators and institutional investors through its standardised reporting across three domiciles? Andreas Gessinger, Area Head Relationship Management Fund Initiators, discusses this in an interview.

To the interview


Alternatives gaining traction in German structures

German vehicles are also picking up speed because disadvantages have been eliminated.

German vehicles are also picking up speed because disadvantages have been eliminated. As with tax issues, for example.

There is movement in the market for alternative investments. Luxembourg remains the leading choice for registering investment vehicles. However, more and more fund initiators and investors are opting for German structures such as Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) or Open-Ended Infrastructure AIFs (OIS).

To the article


Transition Management – more important today than ever

Transition Management with Universal Investment: From A to Z

Transition Management with Universal Investment: From A to Z

Restructuring portfolios can be challenging. In addition to potential performance drops and cost risks, a lack of transparency plays a significant role. With the support of a professional transition management team, transparency and risk control can be ensured at every stage of the transition process.

To the article

The tax experts at Universal Investment have compiled the latest changes and provide you with an update on the following topics: Future Financing Act, Foreign Tax Act and minimum taxation.

To the report

Meet Universal Investment at the following events:

The Gulls’ Eggs Luncheon
Merchant Taylors‘ Hall, London

Irish Funds Annual Global Funds Conference
Royal Convention Centre, Dublin

Source: iStock/MicroStockHub

Universal Investment looks forward to connecting with you!

You can find more details on the Events webpage.


Universal Investment Survey:
A third of German Asset Owners Yet to Determine ESG Performance of Their Own Real Estate Portfolio

Real estate survey by Universal Investment

Real estate survey by Universal Investment,
Source: Stocksy

Frankfurt am Main, 10th of April 2024. German asset owners continue to face significant challenges in the ESG transformation of their own real estate portfolios. According to the "UI Real Estate Investment Insights" survey undertaken by Universal Investment, about a third of respondents have not yet determined the ESG performance of their portfolios. For around 50 percent, Article 8 funds, as classified under SFDR, represent the preferred ESG standard for companies, deemed much more important than Article 9 funds. The survey included banks, pension funds, public-law institutions, and other companies in Germany, managing a total of 13.5 billion euros in real estate assets.

To the press release
Universal Investment